Panel Synopsis

Sustainability: For our Children’s Children

A healthy and sustainable environment are critical to the futures of our children’s children. The World Health Organisation estimates that 12.6 million people die from environmental health risks annually. As eCommerce growth rate rise – predicted to run at c. 20% in 2020 and beyond – so does its impact on the environment.

According to a recent report (Nielsen), 81% of global respondents – across gender and age – agreed with the statement “It is extremely or very important that companies implement programs to improve the environment.”. And more than half of European online shoppers are concerned with the environmental impact and yet, only one third consider it when making online purchases.

This panel, with speakers representing retail, delivery & logistics, climate change and city transport planning, will consider what consumers really expect from their online purchasing and delivery experience and the environmental concerns versus operational efficiency and the desire for faster and cheaper service.