Sandra Roling

Head of IV100, The Climate Group

Sandra Roling heads The Climate Group’s EV100 initiative, a global corporate leadership platform bringing together major companies committed to accelerating the switch to electric transport and making it ‘the new normal’ by 2030. Sandra has held various positions in developing The Climate Group’s engagement work with businesses as well as sub-national governments. She was also part of the founding secretariat for the We Mean Business coalition. Prior to joining The Climate Group, Sandra spent eight years in Brussels, where she led the public affairs team of a German political communications agency and set up its EU office. Sandra holds a BA in European Studies from the University of Osnabrück, Germany, as well as an MA in Central and Eastern European Studies from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow, Poland and an MSc in Sustainable Development from the University of Exeter, UK.

The Climate Group is an award-winning, international non-profit with offices in North America, India and Europe. Founded in 2004, we were the world’s first NGO dedicated to transforming the narrative around climate change from one of threat to one of opportunity. Our mission is to accelerate climate action. Our goal is a world of no more than 1.5°C global warming and greater prosperity for all, without delay. To achieve this, we bring together powerful networks of business and governments that shift global markets and policies. We are a catalyst for innovation and scaling solutions. We use the power of communications to build ambition and pace, focusing on the greatest global opportunities for change.