Andreas Marschner

Vice President of Amazon Transportation Services 

Andreas Marschner is Vice President for EU Transportation Services at Amazon, managing the company’s own transportation as well as sort services across Europe.

In the Swiss region of Baden, Andreas gained his first work experience as a Total Quality System Review Assessor at the technology firm ABB. After working for the International Finance Corporation (part of the World Bank) in Washington D.C., Andreas Marschner moved to McKinsey as a consultant, where he worked for different clients over the course of five years. From 2006 to 2016, he worked in various roles at the Deutsche Post DHL Group, most recently as Executive Vice President for Parcel Operations. He joined Amazon in 2017.

During his diverse and ambitious career, the expert on transportation published several articles, such as “Network redesign for parcel growth” and “How to achieve maximum leverage from next generation reading technology for parcel sorting”.