Ales Drabek

Chief Digital & Disruption Officer, Conrad Electronic SE

As a Chief Digital Officer from the B2C multichannel and B2B distribution company, I’m now responsible in Conrad Group for IT (transformation from classical back end locally hosted systems in the modern cloud base application landscape), eCommerce (cloud, microservices, open sources, own development & specific SaaS applications), Data Management (product data, customers data, suppliers data …), Customers Intelligence (SAS, machine learning, Big Data). As Chief Disruption Officer I’m responsible for developing a new type of digital business models (focus on IoT and Smarthome) and digital transformation from Conrad Group.

My experience includes electronics, IoT, FMCG (food and non-food) and fashion, having worked for leading international retailers & distributors like Conrad Electronic, METRO Group, Rossmann and C&A.

I hold a degree in Mathematical Statistics and Computer Science and started my career as a management trainee learning the ropes of retail with C&A at headquarters and store level. I was working on the executive level in 3 countries and in 4 companies.